Hi to all the 2023 Winter Series players...
Before we start on our Race 2 comments, it’s congratulations time to Pastime II, Zephyr and Akala for their Race 1 Division corrected time wins, and to Pastime II for her overall Race 1 corrected time win.
Looking over the fleet’s performance I feel the sail of the day has to go to Akala. To see her storming up to the finish line in company with those Division one boats had the handicapper grabbing the binoculars to see if his eyes were telling the truth.
Watching the the finish between Wanita finish six seconds ahead of Mercedes III was a six second nail biter for the race finish time recorder.
(Click for larger images.)
Race two is already upon us - 7 May 2023
The division start times for race two are:
- Division One 10:40am
- Division Two 10:35am
- Division Three 10:30am
Here are links to checkout the TopYacht Race 2 entries and allocated handicaps for Divisions and the overall fleet.
Note, there’s no difference in the handicap numbers used for individual and combined divisions corrected time results.
After reviewing the Race one Top Yacht Changed Handicap Calculations, the handicapper used the Race 1 CHC’s for the Race 2 ACH’s.
Sunday weather forecast for Port Phillip
The current Met Eye forecast for Sunday is 15-20 South Westerlies. We’ll be watching this forecast as the previous Met Eye forecast for Sunday was much lower wind strength. If anything develops we’ll send an SMS out.
Some general winter series handicapping comments
I had thought of increasing the interval between Divisions Two and One.to give more of a chase to the Division one boats. We’ll hold off on this idea till we have a pattern of finish times between divisions based on wind conditions. Except for wind conditions it doesn’t matter what the duration of the interval is between starts, it’s all about what the handicapper does. Our corrected times are based on division elapsed times after the division time of day start.
It was interesting to see that while we had reasonably tight corrected times by division, the overall corrected times favoured division one boats. Your handicapper is paying attention to this race corrected time result feature.
2023 Cup Regatta format
As the reaction so far to this new race format has been positive we’ll consider its use for our November Cup Regatta. A feature of this new format is it gives more time to the fleet sailing together and our division one boats a challenge to catch the preceding divisions.
2023 Winter Series entrants are still welcome
Let the handicapper know if you want to do an individual race in the Winter Series. No problems to fit you in.
On water action recorder wanted
One item we would like to see more of is on water action records. Judging by what the post race street gossip there was plenty of race one action, even in light wind conditions, that should have been recorded. This gossip continued during RMYS bar based cleansing ale time.
To help us put some classic yacht action pics on our website an on water photographer is needed. If someone knows of a person who wants to develop some on water action grabbing skills, contact the handicapper.
We can round up a RIB to make it all happen…
Developing News?
Any more Race 2 developing news will be posted here, the website or by SMS.
Help in the Race tower and RMYS Rescue boat is always welcome. Contact the handicapper.
Regards to all
Peter Costolloe
(CYAA Vic) Handicapper
More Race 1 pics…
Click through to see the full Winter series Race 1 Gallery