CYAA to establish a General Maintenance Fund to encourage restoration and sailing of Classic yachts.

The Tumlare YVONNE is Australia’s most successful one design yacht, measured by her race record and 17 State Titles.
After some 20 years of neglect, five CYAA members spent 6 years of their time and money to restore YVONNE, relaunching her in 2022. The Restorers job done, it’s now time to find a suitable Owner Custodian or Sailing Custodian who will race her in our Classic fleet. (A Sailing Custodian will race and maintain the boat without the requirement to purchase.)
In the meantime, YVONNE has running costs; insurance, anti-foul and a pen at RMYS; in total some $5,000 p.a. Our objective is to raise this money to cover her costs for 12 months from within our fleet. This allows time to find the right Custodian.
The CYAA will setup a General Maintenance Fund to encourage restoration and sailing of Classic yachts. The first beneficiary will be YVONNE.
Fund Sponsors invited...
The CYAA invites boats in our fleet to also contribute to the Fund.
The crew’s aggregate donations, collated by the skipper, can be advised to the CYAA Secretary ( as a pledge and funds sent to the new CYAA account (BSB 083-419, Acct 679665534).
Each boat and individual will be acknowledged on the Sponsors Board. Sponsors can choose to be named or remain anonymous. The donation can be specified or not or placed in a contribution range: $400 plus, $200 to $399, $25 to $199.
Contributions and disbursements will be managed by the CYAA. Funds raised in excess of $5,000 will be held in the Fund for future restorations in similar circumstances.
We must retain YVONNE in our Classic fleet. I ask all skippers to encourage their crew to read about the history and restoration of this famous competitor (See links below) and make a contribution.
Martin Ryan
Past President
Classic Yacht Association of Australia
Read more:
Yvonne, by Charlie Salter
Selim and Yvonne #97 on Southern Woodenboat Sailing
Sponsor Yvonne...
Donate to the CYAA General Maintenance Fund
Please complete this form to become a sponsor. The Secretary will be in touch with account details so you can transfer your donation to the new Maintenance Fund account.
Under “About this donation” please let us know if the donation is attributed to an individual or a boat, if the amount is to be disclosed or not, or if it is to be anonymous.
Tumlare Yvonne Sponsors
$400 plus
$undisc RMYS
$500 Mercedes III
$400 Cyan
$400 Sayonara Syndicate
$400 Kingurra
$400 Tandanya
$400 Michael Munckton
$200 to $399
$200 Mercedes IV
$200 Zephyr
$25 to $199
$100 Alwyn
$100 David & Jennie McKenzie
$50 Peter Bowe
$50 David Perry