Three Tularen yachts on Port Phillip

2023 Tumlaren Victorian Titles – photo gallery

The CYAA Vic conducted the 2023 Tumlaren Victorian Titles on 1 & 2 April, 2023, on Port Phillip. Here are some pics from the weekend’s racing. Thanks to the members who provided these pics. 

The skippers of the seven boats competing in the 2023 Tumlaren Titles.
The skippers of the seven boats competing in the 2023 Tumlaren Titles. Great pic by Sarah Low.

Main pic: 2023 Tumlaren State Titles skippers, with T L Banks Trophy.

Left to right: Lindsay Holland (ZEA), George Low (SNOW GOOSE), Carol  Frecheville (YVONNE), Gordon Tait (ETTRICK), Charlie Salter (SIROCCO), Roger Dundas (at rear) (AVIAN), Jim Hutchinson (DINGO).

(Click for larger images.) 

Seven Tums after start of race three, spread in a line on a smooth Port Phillip at the 2023 Tumlaren State Titles
Seven Tumlarens after start of race three.

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