The CYAA Vic conducted the 2023 Tumlaren Victorian Titles on 1 & 2 April, 2023, on Port Phillip. Here are some pics from the weekend’s racing. Thanks to the members who provided these pics.
Main pic: 2023 Tumlaren State Titles skippers, with T L Banks Trophy.
Left to right: Lindsay Holland (ZEA), George Low (SNOW GOOSE), Carol Frecheville (YVONNE), Gordon Tait (ETTRICK), Charlie Salter (SIROCCO), Roger Dundas (at rear) (AVIAN), Jim Hutchinson (DINGO).
(Click for larger images.)
Ettrick all set for that Tumlaren Series pot of gold!
Sirocco and Yvonne
Yvonne wins the Knud Reimer trophy for first home in the last race.
Roger Dundas (Avian) receives the James Frecheville Trophy for best Tum in CYAA 2022 & 2022/2023 series racing from James Frecheville.
Live international TV coverage of the Tumlaren State Titles thanks to the Australian Grand Prix helicopter.
Charlie Salter (Sirocco) ), with a placeholder presented by Peter Costolloe. Charlie will be presented the T L Banks Trophy and Eric Haydon Trophy at the presentation night.
Six Tumlarens a Mark C
At the presentation, Carol Frecheville (Yvonne)(left) recieves a "placeholcer trophy" from Peter Costolloe and Janet Dean of the RMYS. Carol will be presented the Knud Riemer Trophy at the RMYS Presentation night.
The 15-20 knot race 1 scene, featuring Yvonne as seen from Ettrick