Smiles in Auckland – CYANZ ABD Group Regatta

23-25 February, 2024 – Auckland

Smiles all around, I’m reliably informed from the CYANZ 2024 ABD Group Regatta in Auckland.

Our correspondent, David McKenzie advises that a large number of CYAA members from Sydney and Melbourne made the passage across “the Ditch” for the 2024 edition of this fantastic event.

Three days of sailing in conditions ranging from light on the Saturday up to 25kt on Sunday, kept all engaged.

The winner of the all important Trans-Tasman Trophy for this year was David McKenzie, maintaining a family monopoly on the trophy.

The word also was that maybe Col Anderson should consider using 24hr military time in future.

This is a tremendous event, one that all CYAA members should participate in at some stage. The hospitality of our Kiwi friends, and the quality of the yachts on the water makes this regatta a must. I’m told that at least two participants on their inaugural trip already want to get their airfares confirmed for next year.

A full transcript of David’s report is available here.

A full wrap of the event can be found on the CYANZ website here.

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