Race 5, 10:30 am, Sunday 2nd July. Conducted by the Royal Melbourne Yacht Club
Race 5 management for Sunday 2nd July
For race five we’re back at the RMYS Race Committee Race Tower Start line.
Click through for Race 5 entries and allocated handicaps.
Click through to download the courses used for the CYAA 2023 Winter Series.
The BoM forecast for Sunday’s wind strength of 10 knots SW indicates no SMS notifications are needed for Sunday.
No other RMYS races are scheduled to be conducted on Sunday.
Code flag X for individual recalls
One sound signal and a radio call will be used for notifying boats if they are deemed to be in on course start (OCS) status. This code X flag, plus the applicable division flag, will be flown for 10 minutes after the division start time.
Any OCS boat that has not restarted within 10 minutes of its starting signal starting will be unfortunately be declared OCS.

Individual Recall
International Code Flag X
Late Race 5 sign ons, entries and results.
If you have the chance to join up with the Race five fleet use this RMYS entry link to sign up. We can handle your entry on the day if needed.
This is the Race 5 boat racing sign in link, or use the QR code below.

Click through for Race 5 entries and results, or use the QR code below.

Post race five catch up
Weather permitting we’ll have our post race soiree experience on the RMYS Marina. Mercedes III will be leading the charge.
Race 5 management
It’s all go for the race committee… The race management run sheet is now at 54 and counting items. As the saying goes. It’s not easy being green. It’s funny how it becomes no speaks time in the tower during the division race starts.
Overseeing the race from the on water perspective we’ll have our Assoc Sec, Colin Orchard on hand.
2023 Cup Regatta
Our SWS team report the intent to enter response has been brilliant. Time passes too fast these days so work on your crews to pencil in the event. Click through to lodge your intentions to enter the Cup Regatta using the SWS website.
That’s all the pre Race five news for now.
Best wishes for another day of great classic yacht racing on Port Phillip.
Regards to all
Peter Costolloe
CYAA (Vic) Handicapper